Symposium Obdobja 30


Ljubljana, 17-19 November 2011

REGISTRATION FORM   Guidelines for authors   Slovensko

Dear Colleague,


You are cordially invited to take part in the 30th Obdobja International Symposium, organised by the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language, the Department of Slovene Studies at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts, which will take place from 17 to 19 November 2011.


As the central academic gathering in its field, the 30th Obdobja Symposium in Slovene Studies entitled Interdisciplinarity in Slovene Studies has, like its predecessors, a clear goal: to bring together domestic and foreign linguists and literary historians, to hear their research findings and views on the selected theme, and to invite to the resulting debate representatives of other disciplines, especially from the social sciences and humanities. In this way, we can guarantee a broad synthesis of individual research themes, while at the same time facilitating the planning of further steps in research and placing them in a wider socio-cultural context. This symposium continues the concept of the 28th Obdobja Symposium, The Infrastructure of the Slovene Language and Slovene Studies, while its goal is to enable academic discussion of interdisciplinarity in Slovene linguistics and literary studies. We are thus inviting respected academics from Slovenia and abroad who have in their research and teaching work successfully combined findings from different disciplines to deliberate on interdisciplinarity. To some extent, the content of the symposium is also connected with that of the exceptionally well-received consultation that took place in Portorož in 1979 under the title Slovene in Public, for that also brought together experts from different fields, both academics and practitioners, to discuss the role and status of language in different areas of life, although the basic goal was different from that of our symposium.


One of the aims of the symposium Interdisciplinarity in Slovene Studies is to ascertain the current status of interdisciplinary fields in Slovenia. Since the 1980s, when the first interdisciplinary subject, sociolinguistics, appeared among the lectures within Slovene Studies, and especially with the introduction of Bologna programmes, their number has increased not only at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, but also at other centres where Slovene Studies is taught. Programmes now include interdisciplinary subjects such as corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics. Although this process of institutionalisation is somewhat late, it did begin to accelerate even in the 1990s. The impressive results can be seen in the fields already mentioned. The 30th Obdobja Symposium will be an excellent opportunity to take a critical look at work to date in sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics, while at the same time offering an opportunity to plan new research which will reinforce these fields and perhaps, where necessary, redefine key concepts.


Interdisciplinarity is defined as a type of academic cooperation in which specialists from different fields work with target groups. Interdisciplinary programmes usually develop out of the need of experts from different disciplines for cooperation. In the opinion of many authors, interdisciplinarity leads to effective solutions to problems that arise due to the ever-increasing specialisation within academic disciplines. However, interdisciplinarity is not only an academic research concept, but also relates to practice so that, for example, in the educational domain, we find the following recommendation from the OECD: "curricular renewal should involve more interdisciplinary and inter-subject material and encourage schools to implement these subjects and activities" (OECD, 1998).


Over the last two decades, both Slovene and Slovene Studies have evolved very dynamically. Slovene experienced a great leap forward as a result of its new position and roles connected with the political destiny of the Republic of Slovenia, of social changes, and of new media and communication technologies. As a discipline, Slovene Studies gained its institutional independence, was strengthened and became more varied, with even some internal competitiveness occurring; through the network of lectureships, combined study programmes and so on, Slovene Studies is also becoming more established in universities at the international level.


The rationale for discussing interdisciplinarity is above all about raising awareness among research and language communities that individual research and academic activities most be closely aligned and hierarchically structured; at the same time, the symposium aims to identify the current situation with regard to research into linguistic and literary phenomena in relation to other disciplines. We shall seek answers to the questions as to what are the connections between linguistics and literary history, as well as psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, law, history, medicine, educational studies, computing, business studies and so on. What is the effect of interdisciplinary research in these fields? Is there a need to redefine cooperation? What new opportunities for cooperation are arising? What in practice is cooperation like between different fields? What is the status of interdisciplinary research in relation to single discipline research (the validity of findings, the weight that results are given, the financing of academic research projects)?


Prof. dr. Simona Kranjc,

President of the 30th Obdobja Symposium




  • Linguistics, literary studies and other disciplines: philosophy, law, history, medicine, psychoanalysis, mathematics, statistics, economics, natural sciences, theology, etc.;
  • sociolinguistics: language planning, language policy, language traditions and norms, languages in contact, bilingualism, language varieties/registers, changes in language, etc.;
  • geolinguistics;
  • psycholinguistics: mastering the first and second language, learning the first language, second and foreign languages, language ability, text formation, text processing, difficulties or disturbances in the communication process, language testing, language development, etc.;
  • neurolinguistics;
  • sign language;
  • cognitive linguistics;
  • text linguistics, discourse analysis, spoken discourse, etc.;
  • communicology;
  • pragmatics: politeness strategies in the communication process, presumptions, speech implications, ideology in language, studies of language and gender, etc.;
  • interdisciplinarity and educational studies: language and literature didactics, inter-subject links, etc.;
  • language technology, corpora, etc.;
  • literature and digitalisation;
  • sociology of literature;
  • folklore studies and literary studies;
  • ascribing authorship;
  • literary atlas (geographic location of literary data);
  • methodological pluralism in linguistic and literary disciplines;
  • comparative literary studies and comparative cultural studies.


University of Ljubljana (main building, 1st floor), Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


This year, once again, the proceedings will be printed before the symposium.


Until 15 March 2011 registration will be via the symposium website (Symposium Obdobja 30, Registration Form).


The deadline for the submission of papers in the prescribed electronic format (6–10 pages, up to 20,000 characters with spaces, including bibliography and notes) is 15 May 2011. Participants will receive the format guidelines for their paper via e-mail. The guidelines will also be published on the symposium website.


All contributions will be peer reviewed prior to publication; participants will be informed about the outcome by 10 July 2011 at the latest.


Final versions of papers must be submitted by 1 September 2011.


1 September 2011 is also the deadline for the payment of the registration fee.


Please take careful note of the deadlines for registration and submission of papers, as the electronic system does not allow for late registrations or submissions.


The fee for taking part and presenting a paper is 70 EUR and includes a folder containing symposium material, the publication of the paper, the symposium proceedings, the accompanying programme, lunches and event organisation. You will be sent an invoice via e-mail and you can pay it through a bank, post office or to the cashier at the Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2 in Ljubljana, every day between 11.00 and 13.00 and on Wednesday also between 15.00 and 17.00.


The time allowed for the presentation of a paper is limited to 15 minutes. The working languages of the plenary sessions will be Slovene and English, while in thematic sections the use of other languages is possible upon agreement with the organiser.


Participants must book and cover the cost of accommodation themselves. Addresses of Ljubljana hotels are provided below. The symposium committee has available limited funds to cover the cost of accommodation, for which foreign participants may apply at registration.


  • Registration for the symposium                                15 March 2011
  • Submission of the paper (6–10 pages)                          15 May 2011
  • Notification of the referees' evaluation                          10 July 2011
  • Submission of the final version of the paper         1 September 2011
  • Payment of the registration fee                           1 September 2011
  • Symposium                                               17–19 November 2011


Simona Kranjc, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

[email protected]


Kozma Ahačič, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša

Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna,

     Wydział Humanistyczno-Społeczny, Bielsko Biała, Poljska

Roberto Dapit, Università degli Studi di Udine, Facoltá di lingue e letterature

     straniere, Videm, Italija

Maja Đukanović, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, Srbija

Vojko Gorjanc, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Miran Hladnik, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Monika Kalin Golob, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede

Erika Kržišnik, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Ljubica Marjanovič Umek, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Albina Nećak Lük, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Martina Ožbot, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Anita Peti Stantić, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvaška

Sonja Starc, Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta Koper

Darinka Verdonik, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko

     in računalništvo

Alojzija Zupan Sosič, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta

Andreja Žele, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša


Mojca Nidorfer Šiškovič, Damjan Huber

[email protected]


Mateja Lutar

[email protected], +386 (0)1 241 86 49


Hotel Emonec**

Wolfova 12, Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 (0)1 200 15 20
Fax: +386 (0)1 200 15 21
Distance from the University: 5 min
Gostilna s prenočišči PRI MRAKU***
Rimska cesta 4, Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 (0)1 421 96 00
Fax: +386 (0)1 421 96 55
Distance from the University: 3–4 min
City Hotel Ljubljana***
Dalmatinova 15, Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 (0)1 239 00 00
Fax: +386 (0)1 239 00 01
Distance from the Universitx: 15 min
Hotel Park***
Tabor 9, Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 (0)1 300 25 00
Fax: +386 (0)1 433 05 46
Distance from the University: 15–20 min
Hotel Slon****
Slovenska 34, Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 (0)1 470 11 00
Fax: +386 (0)1 251 71 64
Distance from the University: 5 min


Copyright | 2021 |

Examination Center Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture Projects Symposium Obdobja Publishing Courses of Slovene Centre for Slovene Centre for Slovene