What do I need to bring along/What do I need for the exam?
Anyone who
- has been registered for the exam (has completed the registration form),
- paid the exam fee, has proof of payment (a copy of the receipt) and
- has a passport to prove his/her identity
can take the exam.
Candidates who fail to bring a personal identification cannot take the exam. If the examiners suspect that there is a problem with the document (the person in the picture is not the candidate), they may reject the candidate and report him or her to the Ministry of the Interior for giving false personal information; the candidate may face criminal charges for providing false information to which he or she has testified with his or her signature upon registration. The examiners also reject candidates who cannot prove that they have paid the examination fee.
The candidate will also need a suitable pen (not a pencil).
Candidates for the Intermediate and Advanced Level Exams are expected to bring along the materials they have used to prepare the presentation of their topic or materials used to supplement and illustrate their presentation (e.g., pictures, photographs).
Candidates need to obtain a residence permit prior to entering the country.