Spring School of Slovene Language
22 February–26 May 2016
Application Form
Spring School of Slovene Language is an intensive language course lasting half of the academic year. It is the most intense form of learning!
Course and duration
- four 45-minute lessons a day, approx. 220 hours altogether
- 22 February–26 May 2016; no classes: 28 March, 25 April–2 May
- Monday to Thursday, from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm
- accompanying programme is held every other Friday
More about the course organisation.
The location of the course
Pionirski dom, 15 Vilharjeva, Ljubljana.
Accompanying programme
The language course includes various activities for learning about Slovene culture and society whose topics complement and broaden the language classes in the classroom. It is held every other Friday.
After successful completion of the course participants are awarded 11 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points. More about the certificates.
Anyone with an interest in learning or improving their Slovene is very welcome to attend our courses. However, participants must be at least 18 years old. More about the participants.
EUR 1320
The price includes morning course and additional programme.
Registration and Payment
Please send the application form no later than 8 February 2016. After we receive the application form we will send you the invoice by regular mail or E-mail.
The tuition fee must be paid no later than 12 February 2016. You should send your payment receipt via E-mail, fax or to our postal address. Please bring along a copy of the receipt when you join the course in order to help clarify possible misunderstandings.
When we have received the payment receipt we will send you the letter of acceptance as well as information material on the Spring School.
More about the registration, payment and cancellation.
Members of Slovene ethnic minorities in other countries and descendants of Slovene expatriates and emigrants can apply for the scholarship. Applications should reach us before 31 December 2016.