Course organisation
- As an institution which forms part of the University, our activities are tied to the academic year which runs from October 2009 to September 2010. Classes are organised in 45-minute units (one school hour/lesson).
- The courses are elementary, intermediate and advanced. Prior to the beginning of each course participants will undertake a language test. Based on its results participants are placed in an appropriate group, with between 8 to 12 participants in each group.
- The classes are held in Slovene; in beginners' groups, however, teachers sometimes resort to English for certain explanations.
- Courses are run by experienced teachers, professors of Slovene language, who regularly participate in in-service training and use the latest teaching methods.
- In class we use materials based on years of experience and knowledge. Language course programmes are supplemented and enriched by our partners, all recognised experts in their areas of activity with their lectures and workshops.
Rules and Regulations
In order to make the classes as pleasant as possible, we kindly ask you to observe the following principles:
- You are expected to attend classes regularly. An 80-percent attendance is required in order to receive an attendance certificate at the end of each semester. Thus each participant can be absent for seven school days per semester. Any other excused absences should be discussed with the teacher.
- It is your responsibility to consult your colleagues or teacher about the topic discussed during your absence. The teacher is not obliged to explain topics after classes to individual participants who were not able to acquire them due to absence.
- Courses are carried out in groups therefore you are expected to adjust to group work and assume a positive attitude towards your colleagues and teachers.
- You are obliged to attend classes on time as latecomers disturb the work of the rest of the group.
- During classes your cell phone should be turned off. You are not allowed to eat during classes as it is rude and disturbing. You can have a snack during the break.
- The behaviour of any participant who deliberately breaks the above principles will be discussed at a staff meeting. School management reserves the right to expel such a participant without returning the tuition fee. If the rules are broken, the scholarship sponsors may cancel the scholarship.
- The organizer guarantees regular and on schedule classes. Should the teacher suddenly fall ill or due to some other unexpected circumstances in which it is not possible to provide a substitute, the organizer reserves the right to temporarily join two groups or cancel the classes which will be carried out later.
- If there are less than 8 students per group, the organizer can reduce the number of lessons or changes the tuition fee.