Tanja Bovha, Jernej Ključevšek
Jps! is a language textbook for learning Slovene, intended for foreign students in Slovenia. It is designed as the complementary material on the first courses of Slovene language that offers the Slovene everyday vocabulary as well as specific vocabulary that is used among students. There are also exercises, games, crosswords for having some fun and also for revising the vocabulary and communicative phrases. At the very end, there is a glossary, involving vocabulary from the textbook that is expanded by useful phrases, notes, numbers, verbs etc.
Kaj študiraš? / What do you study?
Kje študiraš? / Where do you study?
Kje živiš? / Where do you live?
Kaj rad delaš? / What do you like to do?
A greš …? / Are you going …?
Kavo, prosim. / Coffee, please.
Kam greš na kosilo? / Where do you go for lunch?
A že imaš …? / Do you already have …?
Kupimo bone! / Let`s buy coupons!
Študentsko kosilo, prosim. / Student lunch, please.
Koliko stane? / How much does it cost?
Kateri avtobus …? / Which bus …?
Kaj je v tvoji v sobi? / What is in your room?
Oglas za stanovanje / Advertisement for a flat
Na faksu / At the faculty
Oglasna deska / Bulletin board
V knjižnici / In the library
Referat za študentske zadeve / Student office
Mednarodna pisarna / International office
Gremo na internet / Let`s go to the internet
Midva / The two of us
Vaje / Exercises
Slovar / Vocabulary
Rešitve / Key