A, B, C … 1, 2, 3, GREMO




Nataša Pirih Svetina, Andreja Ponikvar
A, B, C … 1, 2, 3, GREMO

The textbook A, B, C … 1, 2, 3, gremo is intended for adult beginners who wish to learn Slovene either alone or with the assistance of a teacher in short courses. It begins with an introductory unit aimed at learning the Slovene alphabet, the pronunciation of Slovene words, the learning of numbers and the understanding of the instructions used during the exercises. The central part of the textbook is represented by eightunits which differ in topics but put their users in a series of different communicative and speech situations, which they will most likely encounter in communication. This is followed by an appendix on grammar which comprises an overview of grammatical structures as dealt with in units, and grammatical exercises to revise individual morphological structures and syntactic patterns. Added are grammar charts and a selection of 100 useful verbs from the textbook. As much of the material from the textbook is recorded on the enclosed CD, students (and teachers) will find useful transcriptions of spoken texts, as well as solutions to the exercises. The textbook concludes with a detailed table of contents of the individual units. The instructions for the exercises are translated into English, German and Italian.




Uvod – Introduction


A, B, C ... 1, 2, 3, gremo
1. enota: Kako ti je ime?
2. enota: Živjo. Kako si?
3. enota: Kaj je to? Kdo je to?
4. enota: Kaj delaš?
5. enota: Želite, prosim?
6. enota: Kam greste v nedeljo?
7. enota: A te kaj boli?
8. enota: Mi lahko pomagate, prosim?


Pregled slovnice in slovnične vaje po enotah
Slovnične preglednice
100 uporabnih glagolov iz učbenika


Prepis avdioposnetkov
Vsebina enot

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