Učbenik za nadaljevalce na  
     kratkih tečajih slovenščine kot
     drugega ali tujega jezika


The course book and accompanying CD Gremo naprej is intended for foreign speakers of Slovene at lower intermediate level, who wish to learn Slovene for everyday communicative purposes in Slovenia. It is designed for use with a teacher, primarily with groups of students having previous experience of learning Slovene with the textbook “A, B, C ... 1, 2, 3, gremo” or any other materials for beginners. It is also suitable for those, who have learnt basic communicative expressions and grammatical structures on their own without a teacher. The level of knowledge, achieved when working with this textbook, is comparable to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The teacher's handbook to Gremo naprej is avaible HERE.
Vsem, ki grejo naprej
1. enota: Na tečaju slovenščine
2. enota: Tristo petinšestdeset dni
3. enota: A je daleč?
4. enota: Pri nas doma
5. enota: Kam greste na počitnice?
6. enota: Kako pa kaj šola?
7. enota: Kje pa delate?
8. enota: A veste, da ...
Slovnica in vaje
1. enota
2. enota
3. enota
4. enota
5. enota
6. enota
7. enota
8. enota
Rešitve slovničnih vaj
Slovnične preglednice
Prepis avdioposnetkov
Vsebina enot






Copyright | 2021 |

Examination Center Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture Projects Symposium Obdobja Publishing Courses of Slovene Centre for Slovene Centre for Slovene