Ina Ferbežar, Nataša Domadenik
Jezikovod is a textbook and workbook for intermediate-level foreign learners of Slovene and their teachers. Its 135 pages offer texts on different topics and comprehension exercises, as well as exercises on speaking, writing and grammar revision. All the texts within a single unit are thematically linked, which will make it easier for learners to effectively increase their vocabulary within a particular topic. The units are: Language learning, Stereotypes, Migration, This is Slovene too, Ecology, Contemporary society, Subcultures, Genetics, Slovene film. Due to its diversity of topics, its way of dealing with authentic, generically diverse and interesting texts, and its varied exercises, the book will also be of interest as a handbook for teachers of Slovene or as a resource book for those working with youngsters and adults. The textbook contains witty illustrations by Alenka Čuk and is accompanied by a CD (for each unit there is at least one recording).
Pred začetkom
Učenje jezika
1 Stereotipi
2 Izseljevanje
3 Tudi to je slovenščina
4 Ekologija
5 Sodobne družine
6 Subkultura
7 Genetika
8 Slovenski film
Za jezikovodarje
- Slovarček slovničnih izrazov
- Sklanjatve
- Osebni zaimki in povratni osebni zaimek
- Naslonski niz
- Jezikovni priročniki
Rešitve k nalogam