PROLANG – Promotion of Learning of Less Used European Languages to Youth on the Move
The primary goal of the PROLANG project to promote learning of less widely used European languages, especially among young people. The aim of the project is to analyse all existing courses (off- and online) of less widely used European languages and ways of their promotion, to create a promotional online test for 3 languages (Slovenian, Slovak, Lithuanian), and other promotional materials.
The project coordinator is Spinaker d. o. o., the consortium is composed by the following partners: University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts, Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foerign Language), Virtualis d. o. o., Comenius University (Faculty of Philosophy in Bratislava, Studia Academica Slovaca – The Centre for Slovak as a Foreign Language), Vilnius University (Faculty of Philology, Department of Lithuanian studies), xceed Michal Juda, CESIE – Centro Studi E Iniziative Europeo.
Project n°: 531117-LLP-1-2012-1-SI-KA2-KA2MP
Slovene.si is a free to use online course of Slovene language at the A1 level. It is intended for everyone who would like to learn Slovene on their own in a simple, playful and efficient way.
The course runs in Moodle 2.2, which is an open source Learning Management System which has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating effective online learning sites (it has more than 57 million users worldwide).
The contents of the course are based on the Distance Slovene project (2004–2006); however, they have been thoroughly reviewed and updated. The idea is to have an online course which can be changed at all times so the contents are always up to date.